STAT 200 and 20010

STAT 200 and 20010 do NOT count toward any major or minor. They do not meet the prerequisite for any Statistics course. If you plan to take any other Statistics course, do not take STAT 200 or 20010 and start from STAT 220 or above

STAT 220 and 234

STAT 11800-11900 = DATA 11800-11900 = CMSC 11800-11900

To Get a Minor in Statistics…

If You Want to Major in Statistics…

If You Are Choosing Between the STAT Major and Minor…

Then start from STAT 220 or 234 (unless you have an AP Statistics credit) while taking math prerequisites for STAT 244…

DISCLAIMER: These guidelines do not supersede or replace the University’s official publications on course prerequisites, course descriptions, or other relevant information in the College Catalog of the Statistics Major & Minor Programs and of the Data Science Major and Minor Programs, and at my.UChicago.

This webpage is maintained by Yibi Huang
Coordinator of Undergraduate Programs in Statistics

Information valid as of