Yuehaw Khoo

I'm an assistant professor at the Department of Statistics at University of Chicago. I am also a member of Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM). I am interested in computational problems in structural biology and quantum many-body physics. I was extremely fortunate to have Amit Singer at Princeton as my Ph.D. adviser during 2012-2016, Lexing Ying at Stanford as my post-doc mentor during 2016-2019, and Phuan Ong at Princeton supervising my master thesis in experimental physics during 2010-2012.


  • Ph.D., Physics, Princeton University (2016).
  • B.Sc., Physics, University of Virginia (2009).
  • Research Interests

  • Scientific applications of convex optimization, neural-network, tensor-network.
  • Computational structural biology problems from NMR spectroscopy and Cryo-EM data.
  • Computational physics problems for strongly correlated system.
  • Matching and registration problems with medical and biological applications.
  • Publications and Preprints

  • Nonparametric Estimation via Variance-Reduced Sketching.
    Y. Khoo, Y. Peng, D. Wang. Preprint.[arXiv]
  • Matching via Distance Profiles.
    Y. Hur, Y. Khoo. Preprint.[arXiv]
  • Convex Relaxation for Fokker-Planck.
    Y. Chen, Y. Khoo, L. Lim. Preprint.[arXiv]
  • Combining Monte-Carlo and Tensor-network Methods for Partial Differential Equations via Sketching.
    Y. Chen, Y. Khoo. Preprint.[arXiv]
  • Generative modeling via hierarchical tensor sketching.
    Y. Peng, Y. Chen, E.M. Stoudenmire, Y.Khoo. Preprint.[arXiv]
  • Reinforced inverse scattering.
    H. Jiang, Y. Khoo, H. Yang. Preprint. [arXiv]
  • Scalable semidefinite programming approach to variational embedding for quantum many-body problems.
    Y. Khoo, M. Lindsey. Preprint. [arXiv]
  • Multiscale semidefinite programming approach to positioning problems with pairwise structure.
    Y. Chen, Y. Khoo, M. Lindsey. Preprint [arXiv]
  • Maximizing robustness of point-set registration by leveraging non-convexity.
    C. Orozco Bohorquez, Y. Khoo, L. Ying. Preprint. [arXiv]
  • Bias correction in Saupe tensor estimation.
    Y. Khoo, A. Singer, and D. Cowburn. Preprint. [arXiv]
  • Deep neural-network prior for orbit recovery from method of moments.
    Y. Khoo, S. Paul, N. Sharon. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.[arXiv]
  • Generative modeling via tensor train sketching.
    Y. Hur, J. Hoskins, M. Lindsey, E.M. Stoudenmire, Y. Khoo. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. [arXiv]
  • Generative Modeling via Tree Tensor Network States.
    X. Tang, Y. Hur, Y. Khoo, L. Ying. Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 2023. [arXiv]
  • High-dimensional density estimation with tensorizing flow.
    Y. Ren, H. Zhao, Y. Khoo, L. Ying. Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 2023.[arXiv, DOI]
  • Autocorrelation analysis for cryo-EM with sparsity constraints: Improved sample complexity and projection-based algorithms.
    T. Bendory, Y. Khoo, J. Kileel, O. Mickelin, A. Singer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, accepted. [arXiv]
  • Quantitatively visualizing bipartite datasets.
    T. Einav, Y. Khoo, A. Singer. Physical Review X, accepted. [arXiv]
  • A Spectral Method for Joint Community Detection and Orthogonal Group Synchronization.
    Y. Fan, Y. Khoo, Z. Zhao. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, accepted. [arXiv]
  • Committor functions via tensor networks.
    Y. Chen, J. Hoskins, Y. Khoo, M. Lindsey. Journal of Computational Physics, 2022. [arXiv,DOI]
  • Joint Community Detection and Rotational Synchronization via Semidefinite Programming.
    Y. Fan, Y. Khoo, Z. Zhao. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2022. [arXiv,DOI]
  • A semigroup method for high dimensional committor functions based on neural network.
    H. Li, Y. Khoo, Y. Ren, L. Ying. Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning, 2021 [arXiv]
  • NMR Assignment through Linear Programming.
    J.F.S. Bravo-Ferreira, D. Cowburn, Y. Khoo, A. Singer. Journal of Global Optimization, 2021 [arXiv]
  • Efficient construction of tensor ring representations from sampling.
    Y. Khoo, J. Lu, and L. Ying. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 2021. [arXiv]
  • Semidefinite relaxation of multi-marginal optimal transport for strictly correlated electrons in second quantization.
    Y. Khoo, L. Lin, M. Lindsey, L. Ying. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2020 [arXiv]
  • Drop-Activation: Implicit Parameter Reduction and Harmonic Regularization.
    S. Liang, Y. Khoo, H. Yang. Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020. [arXiv]
  • Solving parametric PDE problems with artificial neural networks.
    Y. Khoo, J. Lu, and L. Ying. European Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2020. [arXiv, DOI]
  • Method of moments for 3-D single particle ab initio modeling with non-uniform distribution of viewing angles.
    N. Sharon, J. Kileel, Y. Khoo, B. Landa, A. Singer. Inverse Problem, 2020. [arXiv, DOI]
  • Convex relaxation approaches for strictly correlated density functional theory.
    Y. Khoo and L. Ying. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2019. [arXiv, DOI]
  • SwitchNet: a neural network model for forward and inverse scattering problems.
    Y. Khoo and L. Ying. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2019.[arXiv, DOI]
  • Solving for high dimensional committor functions using artificial neural networks.
    Y. Khoo, J. Lu, and L. Ying. Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 2019. [arXiv], DOI]
  • Semidefinite Programming Approach for the Quadratic Assignment Problem with a Sparse Graph.
    J.F.S. Bravo Ferreira, Y. Khoo, and A. Singer. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2017. [arXiv, DOI]
  • Integrating NOE and RDC using sum-of-squares relaxation for protein structure determination.
    Y. Khoo, A. Singer, and D. Cowburn. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2017. [arXiv, DOI]
  • Fast and Robust Discrete Computational Imaging.
    A. Tuysuzoglu, Y. Khoo, and W.C. Karl. Electronic Imaging, 2017. [DOI]
  • Non-Iterative Rigid 2D/3D Point-Set Registration Using Semidefinite Programming
    Y. Khoo, and A. Kapoor. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016. [arXiv, DOI]
  • Variable splitting techniques for discrete tomography.
    A. Tuysuzoglu, Y. Khoo, and W.C. Karl. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016. [DOI]
  • Global registration of multiple point clouds using semidefinite programming.
    K.N. Chaudhury, Y. Khoo, and A. Singer. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2015. [arXiv, DOI]
  • Large scale sensor network localization via rigid subnetwork registration.
    K.N. Chaudhury, Y. Khoo, and A. Singer. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2015. [arXiv]
  • Open problem: Tightness of maximum likelihood semidefinite relaxations.
    A.S. Bandeira, Y. Khoo, and A. Singer. Proceedings of The 27th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2014. [arXiv]
  • Tuning the quantum oscillations of surface Dirac electron in the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se.
    J. Xiong, Y. Khoo, S. Jia, R.J. Cava, and N.P. Ong. Physical Review B, 2013. [arXiv, DOI]
  • High field Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation in the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se.
    J. Xiong, Y. Luo, Y. Khoo, S. Jia, R.J. Cava, and N.P. Ong. Physical Review B, 2012. [arXiv, DOI]
  • Patents

  • System and Method for Real-Time Ultrasound Guided Prostate Needle Biopsies Using a Compliant Robotic Arm.
    J. Benson, R. Chiao, D. Comaniciu, A. Kamen, A. Kapoor, Y. Khoo, and A. Milkowski.
  • Initialization independent approaches towards registration of 3D models with 2D projections.
    Y. Khoo, A. Kapoor
  • Teaching Experiences

    MAT113: Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory (Instructor), Summer 2018
    MAT203: Advanced Vector Calculus (TA), Fall 2015
    MAT104: Calculus II (TA), Fall 2015
    MAT585: Mathematical Analysis of Massive Data Sets (TA), Spring 2015
    MAT191: An Integrated Introduction to Engineering, Mathematics (TA), Physics, Fall 2014
    PHY103/104: General Physics (Lab instructor), Fall 2011- Spring 2014


    Department of Statistics, University of Chicago
    5737 S Ellis Ave., IL 60637
    ykhoo (at) uchicago (dot) edu