--- title: 'Lecture 09/29 Demo 1' author: "Your Name Goes Here" fontsize: 12pt output: html_document: pdf_document: default word_document: default header-includes: \usepackage{pdfpages} geometry: margin=0.75in fig_crop: no --- This is an R Markdown document. For HW, we strongly recommend you "Knit" to PDF (not Word, not HTML). The following is just a template. It's not related to any specific HW assignment # Q1 This is question 1, ## Q1a which has a part (a) ## Q1b then part (b) ## Q1c and finally part (c) # Q2 the next question is 2. ## Q2a It only has a part (a) ## Q2b and a part (b). # Q3 Now, I'm just going to do a bunch of stuff in R Markdown that you can use for ideas for formatting your work. ## Q3a Some of this I borrowed from the R Markdown (by RStudio) tutorial: [http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/lesson-1.html](http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/lesson-1.html). ## Q3b End a line with two spaces to start a new line. Plus, these two -- words are separated by a long dash. Here is the start of the next paragraph where **this text is bold,** whereas *this text is in italics*. You can even ~~strikethrough text~~, although I can't think why you would need to. > A long quote starts with a greater than sign and gets indented on both sides. Well, only until you hit return to start a new line. I think I'll just repeat that to demonstrate a long quote. A long quote starts with a greater than sign and gets indented on both sides. Well, only until you hit return to start a new line. Finally, the quote is finished! # Q4 ## Q4a Here is an **itemized list**. Leave a blank line before the list. Indent using at least 4 spaces. * item 1 * item 2 + sub-item 1 + sub-item 2 * item 3 + sub-item 1 ## Q4b Here is an **ordered list**. Leave a blank line before the list. Indent using at least 4 spaces. 1. item 1 2. item 2 a. sub-item 1 a. sub-item 2 5. item 3 a. sub-item 1 ## Table Table Header | Second Header ------------- | -------- Table Cell 1 | Cell 2 Cell 3 | Cell 4, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You can center, right-, or left-justify text in your tables as you like. **Knitted Output:** Centered | Right-Justified | Left-Justified :-------:|----------------:|:---------------- A | 24 | My Friend's Name B | 5 | My Name CC | 167 | Firstname Lastname DDD | 48 | Another Name