Table of Notation and Abbreviations
Used in Statistics 343

Last modified Nov 1, 1998 12:38 PM
The table below gives an explanation for abbreviations commonly used in the classroom presentations and web pages.

SLRSimple linear regression model
ei have E(e)=0,V(e)=sigma2, and Cov(ei,ej)=0.
OLSOrdinary Least Squares
RSSResidual sum of squares = |ehat|2.
TSSTotal sum of squares = |y|2.
MSSModel (or Regression) sum of squares = TSS-RSS
SXX,SYYSums of squares of X's and Y's, respectively, corrected for the mean. Thus,
SXX = Sum(xi-xbar)2=|x*|2.
SXYCorrected sum of cross products of Y and X, that is, (x*)'(y*).
y*,x*The asterisk denotes correction by subtracting the mean. Thus,
x* = x - xbar 1
pThe number of predictors in a multiple regression model, not including the constant term, if any.
p', kThe total number of predictors in a multiple regression model. Thus,
k = p+1 in standard regression models,
k = p    in regression through the origin models.
Positive definite (positive semidefinite):
A symmetric matrix A is positive semidefinite if c'Ac >= 0, for all vectors c. If, in addition, c'Ac=0 is true only for the trivial vector c=0, then A is said to be positive definite.
GLSGeneralized Least Squares. The GLS model differs from the OLS model in that the errors e in Y= Xb+e have a covariance matrix proportional to a known positive definite matrix A. This permits the errors (and hence, Y) to have different variances and nonzero covariances.
WLSWeighted Least Squares. The special case of the GLS model in which the errors e have a diagonal covariance matrix, known up to scale factor.
i.i.d., or
Independent, and identically distributed. Iid random variables have the same distribution, and are stochastically independent of one another.
It turns out ---   These are shorthand used in the lectures