Topics for statistics 306 Statistical models Fall 2013 Part I: 1. Multivariate Gaussian distribution Definition by density, Definition by MGF Linear transformation Marginal distributions, conditional distributions: Partitioned matrices Continuous random functions 2. Structured covariance models (linear Gaussian only) Block factor models Spatial models Temporal models Brownian motion and FBM Spline-smoothing models BLUP and Kriging Prediction 3. Estimation using residual likelihood (Gaussian only) The kernel subspace REML and variance-components estimation Regression effects estimation Likelihood ratio statistics: fixing the kernel Computation 4. Strategies for statistical modelling Exchangeability; covariates, relationships,... Example 1: Rats Example 2: Growth curves: plants and animals Example 3: Factors affecting female fulmar fitness Example 4: Out of Africa? Example 5: Mortality and health sequences ============= Part II: 5. Moments and cumulants: (Tensor Methods, chapters 2, 3) Generating functions: MGF PGF CGF Ordinary GFs; exponential GFs Operations on GFs: sum, scalar multiplication, Composition of GFs 6. Moments and cumulants: multivariate case Index notation for linear combinations Partitions and the partition lattice: Mobius inversion Relation between moments and cumulants Cumulants as a linear transformation (Seq, *) to (Seq, *): Generalized cumulants: connected partitions Examples: k-statistics, quadratic forms,... 7. Some theory of simple random sampling (TM chapter 4, notes) Units, samples and values Inheritance and U-statistics k-statistics and polykays Finite-population variances 8. Point processes The Poisson point process Poisson superposition processes Doubly stochastic Poisson processes (Cox processes) Boson point process Moment and cumulant measures Janossy measures 9. Factors and factorial models Permutation, selection and injective maps Linear representations: preservation of structure Factorial subspaces: marginality Homologous factors Non-linear representations: projective structures Part III: Random discrete structures 10. Random partitions Exchangeable partition process Dirichlet random partitions The Ewens process and the CRP The Gauss-Ewens cluster process: multi-level GECP Prediction and classification Counting clusters: how many species? 11. Trees Definitions: root, leaves, edges, branches,... Rooted and unrooted trees Tree-structured covariance matrices Tree estimation by maximum likelihood Marginal likelihood and distance matrices 12. Random trees Tree processes: the coalescent tree Markov fragmentation trees Gaussian nested cluster processes 13. Exchangeable processes Real-valued processes Partition-valued processes Cluster processes Rank-valued processes Permutation processes 14. Regression models Definition: exchangeability of units: Effects associated with covariates and relationships The lack of interference assumption (Kolmogorov, Cox,...) Parameter estimation Prediction 15. Likelihood and the likelihood principle Parametric inference versus non-parametric inference Bartlett identities Asymptotic theory for regular models Prediction and $p$-values TM available at